Main Course



If you need something hot to pass around on a tray…. the joy of these, particularly, is that they are wonderful eaten cold as well.

Ćevapčići are homemade sausages traditional of the Balkans area. It is a simple dish of tantalisingly delicious pork, beef, or lamb, tasty and easy to prepare thanks to simple ingredients from the former Yugoslavia.

In the countries were it is traditional, Ćevapčići is a typical street food, usually served with Ajvar, a roasted red pepper and garlic dip / relish.

I am a great lover of sauces, dips and relishes because they make even the dullest dish fabulous. 



Ćevapčići are homemade sausages traditional of the Balkans area. It is a simple dish of tantalisingly delicious pork, beef, or lamb, tasty and easy to prepare thanks to simple ingredients from the former Yugoslavia

Recipe by Michelle Cooks Keto
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Course: MainDifficulty: Easy


Total time




  • 250 g Ground Beef

  • 250 g Ground Lamb

  • 4 Garlic Cloves, crushed

  • 1 Egg

  • 2 tsp Smoked Paprika

  • 1 tsp Bicarbonate of Soda (Baking Soda)

  • Salt and Pepper to taste

  • 2-3 tbsp Healthy Oil for frying


  • In a large bowl mix the ground beef & lamb, garlic, egg, bicarbonate of soda and seasoning together using your hands
  • Form into 2inch/5cm sausages
  • Preferably leave in the fridge for approximately 4 hours
  • Fry until golden on all sides (approx. 2 min.) and cooked through (approx. 15 min. in total)


  • MACROS in total: 0.6g Carbs – 125g Fat – 140g Protein – 1667 Calories

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